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In my opinion, rejecting this RFE was a poor choice.
- There are no plans to implement this change in the next several releases.
Thank you for taking the time to provide your ideas to IBM. We truly value our relationship with you and appreciate your willingness to share details about your experience, your recommendations, and ideas.
It is possible to give a user access to multiple start centers by creating multiple security groups (each with a start center) and assigning the user to them. We understand that this is a work around that causes additional set-up and maintenance on the administrator's end. We will consider allowing multiple start centers within a single security group in the future, but our team has determined that it cannot be implemented at this time.
If you would like to be involved in the features of the new Maximo applications or other Maximo modernization efforts at IBM, please email to become part of our sponsored user group, which is a program where you and people in your organization become active participants in the Maximo design process, working alongside our design teams to help us create great future experiences for real target users.
This should also be a consideration for Work Centers as well. I see a similar situation of a Primary work center and additional secondary Work Centers.
From a support side this RFE has a clear benefit:
"It has been decided that these KPIs and Result Sets, which take more time to display, will be on a separate Start Center that the user can view as needed (therefore only retrieving the data when the user needs it)."
The performance impact associated with this start centre would be reduced because it would only be required when the users go to check the data.
Start centres retrieving lots of rows can generate slow login times because the queries are being executed every time the user logs in. This has caused problems for some customers where a team of 10 people login at roughly the same time and bring the DB to a halt.
This is a variation on the idea of a blank start centre for all users but in this case it is better because the "initial" start centre can be customised to include just the relevant links for each security group e.g. the buyers can have quick links just to Purchasing/Financial related applications
The security groups/start centre administration facilities would need to allow the administrator to define which start centre is the default that is loaded e.g. the centre with the links