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Hi Martin, Here is a workaround for the third (3) item you listed above.
For initial install, there is a workaround, but for an upgrade it gets trickier as you must tell the installer you are doing a clean install.
I have attached a document we provided a customer (specifically for Oracle), but we do not have the resources to hand hold the customer through this. We accepted the two suggestions for RFE’s; I am tempted to just stay with that.
Martin, We reviewed the additional input that you provided via email. We will put the following #1 and #2 described below in our backlog for future release. But we will not deliver #3 as there are issues with the MicroSoft JDBC driver and TRIRIGA.
The install GUI must allow for a blank install without a connection to the database so that I can modify the server.xml.
The install GUI must allow for parameters to be added so to avoid this issue in the first place.
The installer must have an updated driver, preferably the MS driver over the jdts-1.3.1.jar.
I'll be sending you a separate response with a workaround.
Hello Martin, Thank you for taking the time to provide your ideas to IBM. I need a little more information to understand your idea.
Is your concern that the database connection faills during the installer or that the server.xml is not setup automatically with your additional parameters?
I look forward to your response. Thank you again for your feedback.