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IBM Sustainability Software - Ideas Portal

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against the products and services belonging to IBM Sustainability Software. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 5961 of 5961

Add Layer Settings Lock

SFPUC proposes the addition of a "Lock layer settings" check-box in the footer of the Layers dialog to lock layer settings. When this box is un-checked, a user is able to make any changes they wish to their layer settings (the current normal state...
almost 6 years ago in IBM MAS - Spatial 1 Planned for future release

Update the Eclipse Kepler reporting version to a newer one

The current version of Eclipse (Kepler) is from 2013 and has a number of vulnerabilities when supporting BIRT Report Designer. A new version would provider more stability towards the BIRT RD when reports are built and utilised in Eclipse.
almost 3 years ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management 2 Not under consideration

DNG Change set doesn't capture key information about artifacts

IBM Case number TS001894707 There seems to be a bug in DNG where we created a new software module artifact in the root folder of a component. The change set shows the new folder that gets created, the name of the module and the description that we...
almost 6 years ago in IBM Engineering - Requirements Management DOORS Next / Feature 2 Not under consideration

TRIRIGA Support of Land Leases

Our lease portfolio is 99% land leases. We are required to assess them for finance lease criteria, which was not a requirement historically given the real estate exceptions in the current lease accounting guidance. It does not appear TRIRIGA provi...
over 7 years ago in IBM TRIRIGA Real Estate & Lease Accounting Management 2 Planned for future release

Influence the order of lined work items (or at least sort them by work item id)

in case there are a lot of linked work items, those work items are not ordered in any way. The best solution would be to allow sorting by the users, but at least those work items should be sorted by work item id. Otherwise it is extremely difficul...
over 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Work Items 3 Future consideration

reduce enumeration overloading in master project areas

For a master project area with one or more child project areas, an enumeration list shared by those children must contain the superset of all enumerated values. In a given child project area, there is no way to filter only those values relevant to...
almost 6 years ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Work Items 2 Not under consideration

Move public Saved Query object to org/site level rather then global level

Add Org and Siteid to the query object to enable auto-filtering of public queries to the site level: at least workorder tracking, service request applications.
almost 12 years ago in IBM MAS - Manage (Base) 1 Not under consideration

The Plan shall offer the ability to link a query to display the information

Today the plan can only take Team name and the Iteration as input to pull the data. The idea over here is to add an ability to create a query and display that in a plan view. This will resolve the below restrictions: 1. Currently it can only pull ...
over 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Planning 1 Future consideration

Flexible presentation options for editing custom string attributes in context of module views

Beside filling the primary text our users have additional custom attributes filled with meta data. There are also some text attributes, in some of them longer texts are stored.However, if the user wants to edit this custom text attribute inside th...
over 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Requirements Management DOORS Next / Usability 0 Future consideration

DNG Reviews - Tag users on review comments

Reviewers should be able to mention other valid users who have permission to the reviews, on a comment, to direct specific comment to the user(s). @mentioning people who are part of a Review to direct a specific comment to them
over 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Requirements Management DOORS Next / Usability 0 Future consideration