we had an issue for Export button in GIS tab - exporting all data (ref: TS008220060).
We recently found specId is missing to specify the record while export in source code (custom.js in EsriJS_Assets.zip) javascript:exportResults() exportResults = function() { var queryList = dijit.byId('queryList'); var val = queryList.get('value'); if(!isNull(val)){ var d = Math.random(); var mapParam = getParam('map'); var theUrl = \"../../EsriJS?action=exportQuery&map=\"+mapParam+\"&queryRecordName=\"+encodeURIComponent(val)+\"&\"+d+getDebugStringForUrl(); getExtentParams(true, exportResultsCallback, {theUrl:theUrl}); }
this generate link (exports every records): https://dallascityhall-trn.tririga.com/html/en/default/rest/EsriJS?action=exportQuery&map=CoD%20-%20Opportunity%20-%20GIS%20Tab&queryRecordName=GIS%20Map%20-%20Current%20Opportunity%20Location&0.09438662717769031&wkid=102100&xmin=NaN&ymin=0&xmax=NaN&ymax=0&zoom=11&basemap=World%20Light%20Gray%20Base%20Map
compared to simliar query results only 1 record: function getUrlForQuery(queryName){ var d = Math.random(); var mapParam = getParam('map'); var url = \"../../EsriJS?action=runQuery&map=\"+mapParam+\"&queryRecordName=\"+encodeURIComponent(queryName) if (!isNull(specId)) { url += \"&specId=\"+specId; } url += \"&\"+d+getDebugStringForUrl(); return url; }
this generates link (export 1 result with specId): https://dallascityhall-trn.tririga.com/html/en/default/rest/EsriJS?action=runQuery&map=CoD%20-%20Opportunity%20-%20GIS%20Tab&queryRecordName=GIS%20Map%20-%20Current%20Opportunity%20Location&specId=17253408&0.8874306176826605&wkid=102100&xmin=NaN&ymin=0&xmax=NaN&ymax=0&zoom=11&basemap=World%20Light%20Gray%20Base%20Map
We have tested to add specId for the query and it works(export only 1 record) https://dallascityhall-trn.tririga.com/html/en/default/rest/EsriJS?action=exportQuery&map=CoD%20-%20Opportunity%20-%20GIS%20Tab&queryRecordName=GIS%20Map%20-%20Current%20Opportunity%20Location&0.09438662717769031&wkid=102100&xmin=NaN&ymin=0&xmax=NaN&ymax=0&zoom=11&basemap=World%20Light%20Gray%20Base%20Map&specId=17253408&0.8874306176826605
So, we are trying to customize custom.js by adding those 3 lines to exportResults function if (!isNull(specId)) { theUrl += \"&specId=\"+specId; } the changed code will look like exportResults = function() { var queryList = dijit.byId('queryList'); var val = queryList.get('value'); if(!isNull(val)){ var d = Math.random(); var mapParam = getParam('map'); var theUrl = \"../../EsriJS?action=exportQuery&map=\"+mapParam+\"&queryRecordName=\"+encodeURIComponent(val)+\"&\"+d+getDebugStringForUrl(); if (!isNull(specId)) { theUrl += \"&specId=\"+specId; } getExtentParams(true, exportResultsCallback, {theUrl:theUrl}); } }
Please review the change and let us know if there will be any impact to other function
Hi Birdena, Thank you for taking the time to provide your ideas to IBM. It appears that this issue may be a defect with the current functionality. Case #TS015523557 was opened to track closure with customer support . I am going to close this Idea out as a defect.
Birdena confirmed with me via email on 2/21/24 that we understand his idea correctly.
Hi Birdena, To confirm we understand the use case, your user is looking at a screen with a filtered list of locations in a GIS map view, when they select the export button, all locations are being exported instead of just the locations in the filtered list? Please confirm
Hi Birdena, Thank you for taking the time to provide your ideas to IBM.
I need a little more information to understand your idea. Can you please provide more information on why you are trying to update the custom.js? The more information you can provide about your use case will help.
I look forward to your response. Thank you again for your feedback.