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The extra InspectionResult exists by design. I agree it was not a great design and the developers realized it and have improved upon it to some extent.
The extra InspectionResult record which has ReferenceObject = PARENTWO (vs. WORKORDER or WOACTIVITY) was intended to support "Batch" Inspections. The concept of "Batch" Inspections is very useful when you're associating Inspection Forms with the rows in the "Multiple Assets, Locations, and CIs" table and allows the user to select the PARENTWO record for the "Batch" Inspection and have it bring up all the individual Inspections by Sequence #.
If you don't plan to use the "Batch" feature, you can turn off the creation of the PARENTWO records changing the value of the System Property to "0".
If you do want to use the "Batch" feature, you can modify the OSLC Queries used by the "Conduct an Inspection" app to ignore InspectionResult records where "Parent IS NOT NULL".
Word of warning, since the Ifix that introduced that System Property, the code that creates the PARENTWO record has been broken and is not always created for the appropriate WO. This is due to a related design change dealing with the WO Hierarchy. The original design generated the PARENTWO for the top-level WO in the WO Hierarchy and made the top-level WO the Parent on all related records. That was a really bad design and caused a number of performance issues. The design was changed to have the Parent be at the lowest level of the WO Hierarchy meaning that the PARENTWO record only makes sense when MultiAssetLocCI records have Inspection Forms. The code has not quite caught up to the design changes and I have had various cases to fix the issue. It is fixed in certain scenarios but not all.
Please report this as a case through support.
This sure sounds like a bug rather than an enhancement.
Sorry but my brain is hurting. Please explain the set-up of the forms/PM/JP/WO that produces the doubling. Other than that I believe you're asking that IBM fix it. Have you raised a Case first? This is the request enhancements especially where IBM Support says it's working as per design, but we know that it should work correctly.
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