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IBM Sustainability Software - Ideas Portal

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against the products and services belonging to IBM Sustainability Software. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 5966

Enable DNG to perform in-attribute-field calculations like Excel

DNG should have in-attribute-field calculation capability such that the user can enter a certain character to trigger calculations versus plain text that is untouched. The desired functionality is modeled after Excel's formulas that can be input i...
about 6 years ago in IBM Engineering - Requirements Management DOORS Next / Feature 6 Not under consideration

Display final query for insert of records in scheduling applications

A query is written in the Work Query section in the Scheduler application, e.g. Graphical Work Week, but additional logic such as history flag is no, target start and finish dates or scheduled dates are within the Start and End Date range, etc. It...
over 4 years ago in IBM MAS - Scheduler 2 Future consideration

WOTRACK Advanced Search: Filter by total actuals cost (including task cost)

WOTRACK Advanced Search: It would be helpful if users had a way to filter WOs by total actuals cost (including task cost). Examples: Find WOs where the total cost (incl. tasks) is negative Find WOs where the total cost (incl. tasks) is zero Find W...
about 3 years ago in IBM MAS - Manage (Base) / System Admin Config/Security 1 Not under consideration

Ability to Choose Document Name and Description when Uploading Multiple Attachments

When adding multiple attachments at once, the document names and descriptions cannot be changed before they are uploaded. The document name and description just gets defaulted to the filename. It would be nice to be able to change the document nam...
about 3 years ago in IBM MAS - Manage (Base) / Asset/Work Management 4 Not under consideration

Work Order indicator that a lease/rental contract exists for the asset

When you are planning work or about to work on an asset, you should know whether the asset belongs to an active lease/rental contract, or there is a warranty/service contract, there is already a field to indicate that a warranty exists. You can th...
8 months ago in IBM MAS - Manage (Base) / Asset/Work Management 0 Future consideration

Assets application to show that an asset is part of an active lease/rental contract

Assets are leased and rented, and you need a visual indicator to know that you should look up the contract details to determine whether you are allowed to perform maintenance (or not), perhaps review properties or terms and conditions. From the As...
8 months ago in IBM MAS - Manage (Base) / Asset/Work Management 1 Future consideration

Prevent save in attribute mapping window when nothing selected

Tasktop Sync allows to save attribute mappings when both both source and target attributes are empty.This results in a configuration error which doesn't allow Tasktop Sync to start up. Please do one of the following to prevent unwanted saves from ...
almost 5 years ago in IBM Engineering - Foundation/Common Services / Integrations 1 Future consideration

Rhapsody installer should update RMM Eclipse plugin

The administration of the Rhapsody Model Manager plugin is currently manual. This makes it very difficult to ensure Rhapsody and Rhapsody updates are deployed correctly as the users must remember to update the Model Manager plugin in the EWM clien...
over 4 years ago in IBM Engineering - Systems Design Rhapsody/RMM / Installation 0 Future consideration

Job Plan (SP) and Work Order Tracking (SP) to support Dynamic Job Plans

Maximo added Dynamic Job Plans to core Maximo. The UI for Job Plans (SP) and Work Order Tracking (SP) does not contain the new fields. This requires copying over XML to the SP applications in several places, making it easy to miss fields w...
over 3 years ago in IBM MAS - Service Provider 1 Future consideration

Create the ability to Disable or have a permission on using the Copy Workitem Function in a workitem.

It would be useful in managing clients who should or should not use the functionality.
8 months ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Work Items 1 Not under consideration