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IBM Sustainability Software - Ideas Portal

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against the products and services belonging to IBM Sustainability Software. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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IBM Engineering - Workflow Management

Showing 533

Changes in ranks in plans need to be tracked and transparent

Users want to have an overview over a plan and the history of a plan (which items are added or removed, history of ranks etc). When several people are working on a plan and on the ranking (or people change ranks, eg via drag & drop unintention...
over 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Planning 1 Future consideration

use buildmap info for deleting HFS output from cobol sources

At SVB we do have sources that produce output on HFS when built. This output is registered in the buildmap from that source with an antscript. But when deleting the source, the buildproces should delete all registered output from the buildmap and ...
about 3 years ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management 2 Future consideration

use buildmap info for deleting HFS output from cobol sources

We need to delete everything that has been produced by builds. At SVB we do have sources that produce HFS output when built. This HFS output is registered in the buildmap from this source, using an ant script When we delete the source, all output ...
about 3 years ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management 1 Not under consideration

Ability to control the permission to add/edit Plan View

People mess up the plan view created and shared from the base project. there is no way to prevent the edit at the same time let the user creates the plans. Creation of plan is necessity but controlling the permission to modify an ecxisting plan vi...
over 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Planning 1 Future consideration

Enable copying of custom attributes and linktypes when using "Copy Work Item"

when copying a work item, different attributes can be selected to be copied as well. This list needs to include custom attributes and linktypes (custom and otherwise). In a hierarchy of items (eg. user stories -> epic) our users frequently copy...
over 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Work Items 1 Future consideration

"Create Child Work Item" button on board cards consumes space

New to, taskboard and Kanban board cards have a new "Create Child Work Item" button immediately below the header, which contains the work item ID and a pulldown menu. This extra button consumes valuable card real estate. Such incorporating...
over 4 years ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Planning 1 Future consideration

Work Item Query not Showing all Child workitems linked to the Parent

What steps will reproduce the problem?1. Create a Story Workitem2. Create atleast more than 10 child workitems linked to Story3.Create a EWM Query to display the results in a Query What is the expected output? I should have an option to 'View all'...
over 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Work Items 1 Future consideration

source.epoch/source.timestamp available as a system variables for a z/OS translator

like @{source.version}, is usable for audit/tracing etc, when running zOS translators, the actual changetime of the file, would be more accurate. As the internal epoch time allready is available, and is stored into build maps etc, this can ensure ...
over 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management / Enterprise Extensions 1 Future consideration

About window management in Eclipse Client for EWM

+ Background info The customer owns multiple user IDs and uses them alternately for project management on Eclipse Client. + Description As you know, the window of Eclipse Client is maintained even if log out. This mean is even if log in with a d...
about 3 years ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management 1 Not under consideration

Restrict linking work items to ERM artifacts to either module context artifacts or base artifacts

Enforcing data conistency is very important when working with a large amount of users on developing a product. ^ When linking a work item with a ERM artifact, you have two options: (a) linking to the base artifact (b) linking to an artifact in the...
about 3 years ago in IBM Engineering - Workflow Management 1 Future consideration