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Status Submitted
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 13, 2025

Resources on PMs instead of (or supplement to) Job Plans

IBM Idea
– Resources on PMs instead of (or supplement to) Job Plans


Sund & Bælt operates and maintains mega structures, which mainly are bridges, tunnels, and surrounding landworks. This includes mainly road corridors, rail corridors, lots of concrete and steel and not to forget drainage. Much work is authority regulated and likewise much work is based on more than 25 years’ experience. 900 Job Plans exist which feed into 2,200 Preventive Maintenance (PM) plans and successively into work orders (WOs) for the technicians to perform. On monthly basis, Sund & Bælt has approx. 400 work orders based on PM plans having an average of 10 asset each, such would become 4,800 WOs on yearly basis.

Multiple times the discussion has been initiated to implement resource planning on WOs in order to create forecasts. Maximo Manage offers such automated functionality, but Sund & Bælt finds that some improvements are needed in order to avoid a very large administrative task to manage it forward-going.

In average a Job Plan supports 2.4 PM plans. Looking a bit deeper, 260 Job Plans exist on more than one PM Plan; i.e. almost 30% of all Job Plans support multiple PM plans.

Benefits from having this idea become reality

Sund & Bælt is convinced that many other IBM Maximo customers will benefit from planning resources on PM plans as an option to planning resources on Job Plans.

Railway maintenance work and inspections are typically described (in Job Plans) independently of which part of the railway is in scope. Likewise, with:

·       concrete maintenance work and inspections

·       maintaining and servicing HVAC (Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) units/installations

·       lighting

·       tunnel emergency equipment and high/low voltage power supply equipment

Same approach described independently of location where the individual Job Plans are used. However, the resources needed can vary quite substantially depending on where such work (Job Plan) will take place.

·       Railway inspections or maintenance work on some parts of Sund & Bælt’s railway corridors can be managed by rolling stock and a small team, while other parts require more staff and walking the distance is needed
In both occurrences all is done according to the same Job Plan (authority dictated)

·       Working on HVAC systems on one location might require just one technician while on other locations the installation is much larger and requires more than one technician and that the technicians bring ladders.
In both occurrences all is done according to the same Job Plan (described by the Asset Operations Manager)

Having resources specified on the PM, Sund and Bælt (and most likely other Maximo customers) can avoid expanding the number of Job Plans from 900 an into 2,200. Such work will initially require many hours of work, but worse is the succeeding administration on one hand in order to keep all these Job Plan aligned in context of job description/specification and on the hand have different resources specified across such 2,200 Job Plans.

Enabling resources on PMs separates the work of having updated Job Plans both in context of job descriptions and resources. With this solution, Job Plans can hold the job description (Tasks) and PMs can hold the planned resource needs.

Sund & Bælt estimates that 10% of all Job Plans must have a revision once a year due to new job description or due to adjustment to resource needs. A revision is at least one hour inclusive review among peers and approval within the management. Having multiple Job Plans just to accommodate different resource needs but all describing precisely the same tasks (often authority dictated) requires that the Maximo Admin must spend significantly more effort when revising Job Plans (so the task list won’t deviate between Job Plans).

That would sum-up to 10% of 2,200 Job Plans, which is 220 hours yearly just revising Job Plans.

Sund & Bælt will start operating the Femern Tunnel in coming years, which will significantly expand the number of Job Plans as well as PM plans. Above shown calculation will increase noticeable.

This IBM Idea is highly wanted.


Idea priority High
Needed By Quarter