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IBM Sustainability Software - Ideas Portal

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against the products and services belonging to IBM Sustainability Software. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Enable inventory reservation automatic cron task for specific site
Advantage : Enable the cron for specific site which is necessary. Summary: In Maximo, we have more than 50 Active sites. When we try to enable inventory reservation automatic cron task for specific site, There is no Cron Parameters are available....
PINNED Power BI capability alignment between Desktop vs embedded solution
Requesting Customer: Fraser Property but this would benefit all customers using Envizi Power BI capability Business Impact: The Frasers Property Team have recently explored the use of the embeded PowerBI functionality and have found that there are...

All ideas

Showing 5983

Digital - cooking gas manufacturing machine equipment from water with storage probe end feature with digital measured output applicable in small plant etc

international standard based containerization of cooking gases manufacturing /equipment manufacturing and storing the gases like methane, propane, butane, pentane in containers in liquid form in appropriate measure by water transformation, these f...
about 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Foundation/Common Services / Usability 1 Not under consideration

Custom Stereotype for Activity not Accessible in ObjectModelDiagram (Block Definition Diagram) Toolbar

Dear all, I'm searching for a way to insert an "Activity" inside a "Block definition diagram". I found, that the "ActivityBox" for the Drawing Toolbar does the job. My Problem is, that I want to define a SystemProcess Stereotype. The Problem is, t...
about 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Systems Design Rhapsody/RMM / Modeling and UI 3 Future consideration

Water based jet airoplane Engine manufacturing

Less expensive travel by hydrogen fueled engine by inbuilt water splitting application by applying the particular energy level applicable for ship- train engine bus another vehicles etc
about 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Foundation/Common Services / Performance 1 Not under consideration

Enhance priority score by using weather data and criticality metrics. This will make the VM UI dynamic so users will want to access more frequently

The plan when VM was released was to incorporate weather data and other layers to make the insights more meaningful. Vegetation score is static, so this will not. change until imagery is updated. Develop a dynamic priority score that incorporates...
about 2 years ago in Environmental Intelligence Suite: Foundation 2 Not under consideration

Send Container logs to an external storage

As of today we do not have a procedure to recover the logs or monitor the logs and create an alert message if anything goes wrong in our environment, for example we had an issue with a user API token expired and pictures were not loading into the ...
about 2 years ago in IBM MAS - Visual Inspection / MVI 0 Future consideration

windows server 2019 to support QCI

We need QCI to be able to run on Windows 2019 and later
about 2 years ago in IBM Engineering - Requirements Management DOORS/DOORS Web Access / Integrations 0 Future consideration

Research for finding out water splitting energy level for device manufacturing for its signal enhanced application for manufacturing hydrogen for water based engines

at a particular energy level binding energy of water losses and splits into hydrogen and oxygen we should have to find the energy level and its proper application for signal enhanced application to convert large amount of water splitting it for ma...
about 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Foundation/Common Services / Systems Engineering 1 Not under consideration

Have the ability to restrict the number of concurrent test script execution by command-line test script type.

We have 1000+ test suites that are map one to on to 1000+ test cases that all call a set of common command-line test scripts. Test suites are used to execute the test scripts in a fixed order. All of these test scripts can execute on all 80+ adapt...
about 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Test Management / Test Execution 0 Future consideration

Water splitting application for inbuilt machines using hydrogen as fuel storing water for running the engine

There is a catalyst known as Nickel iron oxide we can apply recording and signal and its enhancement application we can convert more water for splitting for collecting hydrogen instead of recording catalyst activity we can apply measuring the cata...
about 1 year ago in IBM Engineering - Foundation/Common Services / Systems Engineering 1 Not under consideration

Configurable message format and compression scheme for Maximo's kafka client

Allowing configuration for outbound Kafka messages would benefit users that want to use Maximo's kafka client to publish messages to a kafka broker, which will be then consumed directly by other applications. As far as I understand, Maximo's pre...
about 2 years ago in IBM MAS - Manage (Base) / Integration 0 Planned for future release