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IBM Sustainability Software - Ideas Portal

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against the products and services belonging to IBM Sustainability Software. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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We invite you to shape the future of IBM, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

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Pinned ideas

PINNED Power BI capability alignment between Desktop vs embedded solution
Requesting Customer: Fraser Property but this would benefit all customers using Envizi Power BI capability Business Impact: The Frasers Property Team have recently explored the use of the embeded PowerBI functionality and have found that there are...
PINNED Enable inventory reservation automatic cron task for specific site
Advantage : Enable the cron for specific site which is necessary. Summary: In Maximo, we have more than 50 Active sites. When we try to enable inventory reservation automatic cron task for specific site, There is no Cron Parameters are available....

All ideas

Showing 2951

Support to Add a URL Attachment from Maximo Mobile

Hi - I am using Maximo Mobile for EAM with Maximo with Maximo Mobile 8.8 IF005. When I try to add an attachment to a Work Order, it only gives me option to add a file based attachment. I don't get option to add a URL attachment. It would b...
almost 2 years ago in IBM MAS - Mobile 0 Future consideration

Modify Scheduler/Optimiser to support job/location based constraints e.g. security checks

Modify scheduler so that additional location/resource related constraints are checked when scheduling work. Some locations will have location specific constraints that are not directly related to the work being undertaken but are general restricti...
about 9 years ago in IBM MAS - Scheduler 3 Future consideration

Add V1 interface capabilities to V2

The V1 (IOT) interface in monitor offers enhanced capabilities to process messages. They are not all available in the V2 version in Monitor. But the V1 interface is to be abandonned.
over 1 year ago in IBM MAS - APM 0 Future consideration

Enhance a test case's Requirements Links section in the diff/merge window to display all linked requirements (differences & Non-changed items)

Enhance a test case's Requirements Links section in the diff/merge window to allow the user to display all linked requirements (differences & Non-changed items). Ideally this enhancement would provide the following functionality in the diff/me...
8 months ago in IBM Engineering - Test Management / Configuration Manager 0 Future consideration

Add immutable requirement links to the test case results that exist at time of execution

Any requirement linked to the test case or the test script would be automatically added to the "Requirement Links" section on the test case results, when the result is created. When creating a test case result, QM would check if requirements are l...
8 months ago in IBM Engineering - Test Management / Integrations 0 Future consideration

Add LiDAR Collection Date as an attribute in each segment

Havig the collection date easily viewable will allow PEC, and other clients, to know exactly when the image was taken. This means they will have a better idea of the growth potential that occurred since collection. Having this attribute readily av...
almost 2 years ago in Environmental Intelligence Suite: Foundation 2 Future consideration

Retire Rational Directory Server and move to a liberty auth server or other current authentication methods

Tivolli RDS is extermely old, difficulit to setup and has poor support available from IBM (it has taken over 6 months to work out how to get it to work in our environment because of the poor deloployment architecture of Tivolli RDS). Given that it...

Space Assessment: Add ability to launch and auto populate a facilities request while performing a space assessment

When performing a space assessment (audit), there are times when user requires the ability to enter a facilities request based on findings. The user needs to be able in real time to launch the facilities request and enter on demand and have it aut...
about 3 years ago in IBM TRIRIGA Space Management 1 Future consideration

Ability for Work Task user to communicate with Requestor

Sometimes, a technician will get assigned to a task that was created to address a service request. When that technician is working on the issue, there may be times that the user needs to communicate with the person that entered the Service Request...
almost 2 years ago in IBM TRIRIGA Operations & Maintenance Management 3 Future consideration

To be able to control read access via components in DNG.

We require to be able to control read access via components in DNG. With this feature implemented we can have granular user access control.
over 2 years ago in IBM Engineering - Requirements Management DOORS Next / Administration 0 Future consideration