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IBM Sustainability Software - Ideas Portal

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against the products and services belonging to IBM Sustainability Software. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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We invite you to shape the future of IBM, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

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  2. Get feedback from the IBM team and other customers to refine your idea.

  3. Follow the idea through the IBM Ideas process.

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Welcome to the IBM Ideas Portal ( - Use this site to find out additional information and details about the IBM Ideas process and statuses.

IBM Unified Ideas Portal ( - Use this site to view all of your ideas, create new ideas for any IBM product, or search for ideas across all of IBM. - Use this email to suggest enhancements to the Ideas process or request help from IBM for submitting your Ideas.


Pinned ideas

PINNED Power BI capability alignment between Desktop vs embedded solution
Requesting Customer: Fraser Property but this would benefit all customers using Envizi Power BI capability Business Impact: The Frasers Property Team have recently explored the use of the embeded PowerBI functionality and have found that there are...

IBM Envizi - ESG Suite

Showing 15

Envizi REST API updates

Using the supplied REST APIs, a client's metered data can be pulled for a single meter. Many clients will have multiple sites, potentially multiple floors (meters/sub-meters) and it would be beneficial in time, and resource usage, to be able to ca...
about 23 hours ago in IBM Envizi - ESG Suite / Data Connectors + Integrations 0 Submitted

API: Adding other meter types to the API endpoint options

There is an Electricity Interval data extract report that is accessible via the UI as well as the API. We use this frequently for various reasons include external data validation. There is also a report that can be accessed via the UI, but not ava...
1 day ago in IBM Envizi - ESG Suite / Interval Meter Analytics 0 Submitted

All data loading entry points to be visible on the Files Uploaded Page

As it is right now, users are able to see any files that were loaded manually into Envizi via the manage >> Files Uploaded process. However, this will only show the manually entered ones. We have been able to successfully utilize the email d...

Add Column to Monthly Data Summary Report for "Indirect Emissions"

The monthly data summary report is extremely powerful report for viewing consumption, cost and emissions for all data types and properties. It would greatly benefit from adding a column to include the related "indirect emissions" related to the Sc...
16 days ago in IBM Envizi - ESG Suite / Base Platform 0 Submitted

Percentage based targets / relative goals

Sometime new data comes in and your baseline changes, but you still want to have a target that represents a relative imporvement from the status quo. Setting absolute target values does not give this flexibility and means all targets must be reset...
28 days ago in IBM Envizi - ESG Suite / Target Setting + Tracking 1 Submitted

GHG categorisation

Creating an enhancements to the Account Style Wizard and the underlying data types to allow for more flexibility for the user. Ideally you should be able to configure or name the categories according to the GHG protocol or whatever schema you want...
6 days ago in IBM Envizi - ESG Suite / Base Platform 0 Submitted

Ability to create Scope 3 EUC account styles

Currently, we have a set of EUC natural gas and electricity accounts that are classified as Scope 1 and 2 that need to be classified as Scope 3 (i.e., they are leased sites), and Support has indicated this is not currently supported by the Envizi-...

Manual PowerBI report data refresh for client Custom Power Reports also

The new manual data refresh for PowerBI reports needs to extend to customer-built Power BI Reports, not just the standard reports IBM provides≥

Simplify accounts and data entry for sites -- this would allow for a much more streamlined platform

Today, Envizi uses an account structure for data entry like this: - Scope 2 - Electric account #1 - Meter #1 - Scope 2 - Electric account #1 - Meter #2 - Scope 2 - Electric account #1 - Meter #3 Each of these would open a new page for data entry, ...
17 days ago in IBM Envizi - ESG Suite / Base Platform 0 Submitted

It would be helpful if unallocated accounts were brought to admins attention vs having to rely on a person to remember to check

Anyone using Envizi and arcadia would potentially benefit from being alerted to having 'unallocated accounts'. Unless there is a function that exists that I don't know about, we aren't being notified about having unallocated accounts. We have had ...
17 days ago in IBM Envizi - ESG Suite / Base Platform 0 Submitted