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Adding requirements to an update of the demo data I would in addition to the already provided comments (mainly Nov 5) add:
Clean up the amount of user that accumulated over the years to less than 15 and give the users indicative names on what purpose in the demo data they are assigned to e.g. "Sara Scheduler" or "Peter Purchase"
Add additional demo data with industry modules - bringing in vehicles with Transport, Planes with Aviation, Grids with E&U etc. and provision new users that are dedicated to the industry module e.g. "Cynthia Civil" has access to the CI industry solution
Consider that the demo data within the Manage continues to other modules and in case they're installed that the pump 11430 provides also an corresponding Monitor demo (simulator) that delivers meter readings, and an according Health&Predict model and a visual inspection.
Reduce the amount of assets that come with H&P into manage and fill up the database, reduce the amount and modernize the IT assets to current technology
Improve the data quality on the assets that are provided. Each should have an asset history, WO history, service address, purchase and vendor information, image and base data filled, so the views are populated especially when used with Mobile
Introduce few highly complex assets e.g. wind turbines with a assembly structure that allows to demonstrate advanced use cases and e.g. integration with an engineering solution
It would also be great if the demo database contains a greater # of records in it in all useable tables to provide a more realistic feel. When testing is done you would will find out that performance is an issue as time goes on due to the way queries are use the select * against tables, missing index's etc. It would also be good when vendors/IBM run demo's for mobile\industry solutions\addons etc. It would also be good to verify "What is the expected use case/functionality type questions that arise) .
An option may be a flag to setup an 'Expanded' demo database at the time of install.
Regarding "Needs more information":
Please refer to the comment from Andrew(Guest) at 5 Nov 09:24am.
Adding a comment to also support the points raised in relation to this by guest on 05 Nov 09:24
I do not think that the content itself needs to be changed, as people are used to the assets and locations, etc. The content needs to be brought up to date to show examples of functionality and for it to be able to be used as demo data or used in training courses.
The three main reasons for reworking the MAXDEMO Database are:
Dates are embarassing. If we reveal dates like PO's with a required date in 1997 it will make prospects wonder what sort of product they are buying.
There are several areas where you couldn't demo without having to do something first. Calendars finishing before today, for example.
Some data could not be loaded through the current MBOs. For example Labor with multiple default crafts. Even yesterday I raised an IBM Support Case for SLA 1021, you would not be able to create the four commitments for applies to object ASSET (Case TS007429177).
The MAXDEMO database could be a much more useful resource. It should include data for Industry Solutions and add-ons, even if as a consequence there is a much larger database.
It should be used as the basis for product demonstration. Perhaps it still is to some extent, but many including myself would create their data from scratch.
It is essential for training materials, so that others can use the same data if they ran through the same examples.
It should be a useful resource for IBM Support. Some of the Industry Solutions do not have data, consequently you have to enter data in many places before being able to run the test you need to do.
It should be a useful self learning tool. It used to be that to understand how a function worked in Maximo you would query for the record in the MAXDEMO database. For example Lease/Rental Contracts - Contract 1002 (expired nearly 15 years ago), often that would give you a clue to how a feature might be working.
The MAXDEMO data should be regularly (every couple of years) loaded through the MBOs as this is likely to reveal either an incorrect fix, or something where core functionality has been tweaked and the data is now incorrect.